Articles written by Sean Mcphilamy

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 41

  • An overview of this year's Medicare coverage

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Feb 1, 2025

    This month’s article provides an overview of Medicare coverage in 2025. The 2025 edition of the “Medicare & You” handbook provides much greater detail than is provided in this article; if you do not have a copy, please contact the Medicare Information Office and we are happy to provide one. This handbook is available as an eBook, as well as in large print, audio version, and in Braille. The “Medicare & You” handbook has also been translated into Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Spanish,...

  • Coverage options for when Medicare falls short

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Jan 1, 2025

    Medicare coverage is good, but it is not all-inclusive. There are many things that Medicare does not cover. For example, Medicare does not cover most dental, vision and hearing care, including hearing aids. Nor does it cover most non-emergency transportation or care outside of our country. Even when Medicare covers your care, there may be costs left to you, like copays and coinsurances—these costs can add up. An example, for an outpatient visit to a physician who accepts the assigned billing r...

  • Medicare coverage for preventive care

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Dec 1, 2024

    Preventive care helps avoid illness, detect medical conditions, and keep you healthy. A preventive medical service is conducted when you have no prior symptoms of disease. In contrast, diagnostic services address symptoms or conditions that you already have. In this month’s article I will describe how Medicare covers preventive care. Medicare covers preventive services Medicare’s Part B outpatient care covers many preventive services, such as screenings, vaccines, and counseling. To find out...

  • Non-citizens may qualify for Medicare

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Nov 1, 2024

    Medicare can be confusing for anyone. It is easy to misunderstand Medicare eligibility or the best time to enroll in the various parts of Medicare. The factors around Medicare eligibility and enrollment choices can be even more complicated for older people who were born outside the U.S. Immigrants may not have as much work history in the U.S., may have a variety of immigration statuses, or may have limited English proficiency—all making a potentially confusing process even more difficult. N...

  • Your annual opportunity to review your Medicare drug plan

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Oct 1, 2024

    From Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, I encourage you to review and, if needed, change your Prescription Drug Plan under Part D coverage. Changes you elect will become effective on Jan. 1. Certified Medicare counselors across Alaska can help you as part of the Medicare Information Office’s network of program Ambassadors, including through your local Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC). Give us a call, we would be glad to answer your questions, guide you through the process, and even complete t...

  • Common enrollment notices from Medicare

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Sep 1, 2024

    For those of us enrolled into Original Medicare (Parts A and B), most of us have also enrolled into one of Medicare’s Part D Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs). Each year, we may make changes to this prescription coverage during Medicare’s Open Enrollment period, which runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, for changes which will then go into effect from Jan. 1 onward. Leading up to this Open Enrollment, you will start to receive notices with information relating to any changes in your plan for the com...

  • Medicare programs that can save you money

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Aug 1, 2024

    As Americans and as Alaskans, we share in the health care program costs of our Medicare, both through our federal income taxes and through the cost sharing paid by individuals enrolled into Medicare. But for some Alaskans with low income and low assets, these costs can be a significant part of the monthly budget – there are programs which can help save you money. In this month’s article, I will introduce the Medicare Savings Program (MSP), which can help with the bills for Original Medicare (as...

  • The basics of Medicare enrollment and coverage

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Jul 1, 2024

    Medicare is the federal government program that provides health insurance to those age 65 and older or those under 65 with certain disabilities or chronic conditions. Medicare programs and policies are regulated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). When you are new to Medicare, there can be a lot to learn about your enrollment and coverage choices. At least for now, there are no Medicare Advantage programs available to Alaskan residents (also known as Part C of Medicare), so...

  • Making health care decisions in advance

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Jun 1, 2024

    This month’s article begins with a recommendation to prepare documentation of your personal desires as related to your medical situation and future health care needs. These can help convey your intentions should you not be able to voice them yourself. Next, a reminder that Medicare only provides coverage for services and equipment deemed medically necessary – you might find yourself in need of additional help with activities in your daily life. Finally, a mention regarding how hospice care pro...

  • Medicare and federal employee benefits

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|May 1, 2024

    This month’s article will focus on how Medicare may work with health benefits for federal employees, retirees and annuitants. Employees and retired employees of the federal government are eligible for Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) coverage, subject to those positions that are excluded by law or regulation. Currently this includes employees of the U.S. Postal Service. The Office of Personnel Management administers the FEHB program. When someone becomes eligible for Medicare, most c...

  • Understanding the phases of Part D coverage

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Apr 1, 2024

    Prescription Drug Plan coverage is a valued element within Medicare. Known more commonly as Part D of Medicare, these policies are offered by privately managed insurance companies, and regulated both by the State of Alaska’s Division of Insurance along with the national Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The cost of your Medicare Part D-covered drugs may change throughout the year. If you notice that your drug prices have changed, it may be because you are in a different phase of...

  • Medicare and your right to appeal a discharge

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Mar 1, 2024

    If you or a loved one are receiving in-patient medical care, there comes a time when that care will end. Hopefully, this is because the patient is ready for discharge, but sometimes, the patient is notified that care will be discontinued, possibly due to a notice from Medicare. You have a right to appeal this decision. What if my medical care ends too soon? If you are receiving care in a hospital or non-hospital setting and you learn that your care is going to end, you have the right to a fast,...

  • What's new in Medicare benefits for 2024?

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Feb 1, 2024

    Medicare coverage and costs change each year, so it’s important to understand and review your benefits. Here’s an overview of what’s new in 2024. Medicare Part A and Part B costs in 2024 Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital services, skilled nursing facility services, home health care, and hospice. Most people don’t owe a premium for Part A, but if neither you nor your spouse have 10 years of Social Security work credits, you may owe a monthly premium. If you’re admitted to the hospital...

  • Denied Medicare Part D coverage? You can appeal

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Jan 1, 2024

    While I am writing this month’s article, we are in the last few days of the annual Open Enrollment Period, when you may sign up to change your enrollment in a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan. This period occurs annually from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7; changing your plan at other times of the year may require you to be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period. But what if you don’t meet this requirement, and your prescription drug cost share (the amount you pay when you pick up the prescripti...

  • Medicare: Choosing doctors and other providers

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Dec 1, 2023

    Choosing a medical provider can be both challenging and overwhelming for many patients. Here in the Great Land, Alaskans often travel significant distances to obtain healthcare. Medicare can help, when searching for and finding a provider. You can also save money by choosing providers who accept Medicare assignment. This last term, “assignment,” is an important one to remember, especially if you are newly enrolled in Medicare. First, a brief introduction to finding health care providers, fro...

  • Marketing can be intense for Medicare drug plans

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Nov 1, 2023

    During Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period, you will likely experience more marketing from private Medicare insurance providers, such as Part D prescription drug plans. Companies try to reach consumers in various ways, like television commercials, radio ads, events, mailings, phone calls and texts. The government has rules, though, to protect you from forceful or misleading marketing. Knowing the rules and red flags can help you make the best choices for yourself during Open Enrollment. M...

  • Time to review your Medicare Prescription Drug Plan

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Oct 1, 2023

    From Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, I encourage you to review and, if needed, change your Prescription Drug Plan under Part D coverage. Changes you elect will become effective on Jan. 1. Certified Medicare counselors across Alaska can help you as part of the Medicare Information Office’s network of program Ambassadors, including through your local Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC). Give us a call, we would be glad to answer your questions, guide you through the process, and even complete the...

  • Medigap policies help cover out-of-pocket costs

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Sep 1, 2023

    As you may know, Original Medicare (Parts A and B) covers approximately 80 percent of the cost of most services. But what about the remaining 20 percent, or even the other out-of-pocket costs like deductibles or inpatient copayments? You may want to obtain a Medicare Supplement Insurance (also known as Medigap) policy as a companion to your Medicare coverage. But how to know which one? My first recommendation is to obtain a copy of the Consumer Guide to Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap),...

  • Medicare coverage for health-related transportation

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Aug 1, 2023

    Ambulances are a critical resource in transporting patients to and from medical facilities, like hospitals. Ambulances are medically equipped and staffed by professionals like paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). Emergency transportation Medicare Part B covers emergency ambulance services. Medicare considers an emergency to be any situation when your health is in serious danger, and you cannot be transported safely in another way. There are certain requirements you must meet for...

  • Your Medicare Part D prescription benefits

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Jul 1, 2023

    Medicare includes Part D, the prescription drug benefit, offered through private health insurance companies. Each prescription drug plan meets federal requirements as managed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Insurance companies enter into agreements with both drug manufacturers and drug distribution networks. Some of the costs associated with Part D drug coverage are: Premium: The monthly amount that you pay to your Part D plan for coverage. Premiums vary by plan, and the...

  • Medicare coverage for mental health

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Jun 1, 2023

    Mental health care can diagnose and treat mental illnesses or mental health conditions. A mental illness or mental health condition may affect your thinking, feeling or mood. Examples of mental health conditions include depression, anxiety and schizophrenia. Some also consider addiction, like opioid use disorder and alcoholism, to be mental health conditions. Mental health conditions are typically not the result of any single event or circumstance. Rather, they are complicated conditions involvi...

  • Medicare and making the most of your doctor visits

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|May 1, 2023

    Obtaining the best health care involves good communication between you and your doctor. Today I will help explain how you can build an effective relationship with your doctor and make the most of your visits. Communicate well with your health care provider Communication is very important when building relationships with your health care providers and getting the best possible care. To help you communicate with your providers, take the following steps: Be prepared. Arrive at your doctor’s o...

  • Medicare coverage for home health care

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Apr 1, 2023

    Receiving home health care can be available for some Medicare recipients. To be eligible for Medicare coverage of home health services, you must be homebound. In other words, it must be difficult for you to leave your home and doing so requires a lot of effort. Medicare considers you homebound if you need help to leave your home. The help you need can be from another person or from medical equipment such as crutches, a walker or a wheelchair. You are also considered homebound if your doctor...

  • When is the correct time to enroll in Medicare?

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Mar 1, 2023

    Enrollment into Medicare or choosing different Medicare coverage may only happen during specific times of the year. This month we will learn about these enrollment periods, so you can make the most of them. As a reminder, initial Medicare enrollment is processed through the Social Security Administration, whether in-person during an appointment, over the telephone, or by going online through Social Security’s website. Know when to sign up for Medicare for the first time You may be a...

  • Here is what's new in Medicare for 2023

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Feb 1, 2023

    Medicare coverage and costs normally change each year, so it is important to understand and review your benefits. Here is an overview of what’s new in 2023. Part A Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital services, skilled nursing facility services, home health care, and hospice. Most people do not owe a premium for Part A, but if neither you nor your spouse have 10 years of Social Security work credits, you may owe a monthly premium. If you are admitted to the hospital as an inpatient, you w...

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