Farewell to 2012, a challenging year for OPAG

We entered 2012 with a deficit, but with hard work and diligence we now operate in the black. In fact, this November, your board of directors passed the 2013 budget with a small surplus. We were able to achieve a surplus budget by reorganizing “Senior Voice” operating procedures (cutting expenses), increasing advertising income and receipt of a state NTS grant.

Paid membership is down, so please take the time to pay your $20 membership fee. Many of our members have been donating fine art and cash to OPAG. These generous gifts help us deliver senior programs.

Our time at the John Thomas Building may be limited. The Anchorage municipal assembly voted to sell the building. The mayor has offered us space in the municipal DHHS building, but the terms have yet to be fleshed out. We anticipate working out a joint usage of the space with Mabel T. Caverly Senior Services, but the devil is in the details.

It is interesting to note that HUD, to date, has not provided the Community Development Block Grant document requested by OPAG in two Freedom of Information requests.

OPAG board members and bylaws change

The OPAG annual meeting was held on Nov. 15, 2012, and the following persons were elected to the Board:

Leonard T. Kelley, president

Ira Rosnel, vice-president

Theresa Bovey, treasurer

Rita Hatch, secretary

Ella Craig, Ken Farrow, Frank Rion, Sharon White-Wheeler, Robert Bracco and Nancy J. Furlow, board members

The bylaws were amended to remove board members who miss three consecutive unexcused meetings. OPAG needs active, involved board members.

Recruiting for volunteers and staff

We need more volunteers. Especially needed are volunteers with expertise in sales, English as a Second Language instructors, computer teaching skills, etc.

We are also looking for a part-time Executive Director. Send resumes and compensation expectations to:


325 E. Third Ave, Suite 300

Anchorage, AK 99501

On the whole, OPAG is in good operating condition and will continue offering the Senior Voice and other services to Alaskan elders/seniors.

Leonard Kelley is the board president for Older Persons Action Group, Inc.

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