Event marks ten years of Amblin' for Alzheimer's

Local non-profit Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska holds an annual walk every spring. This will be a special year though as they reach the ten year milestone. The walk began in 2005 with 146 walkers raising $30,000. Today, the walk has grown to as many as 289 walkers and has raised a combined total of over $500,000 to support Alaska’s seniors and those with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.

The walk has taken various paths over the last decade, literally, with the first walk beginning at the Sourdough Mining Company restaurant and meandering along the Campbell Creek Trail. In 2008 the walk took place at UAA and for the last several years the walk has opted for the easy grades and warm chalet at Kincaid Park.

Walkers are greeted in the morning with snacks and excitement. Once everyone is checked in, the non-competitive walk begins with participants choosing their own pace while a golf cart treks the path offering a lift to those who would prefer a rolling finish.

Following the walk there is celebration with sandwiches, chili, ice cream, live music and entertainment. Not to mention the prizes, ranging from round-trip airfare on Alaska Airlines for the top fundraiser, to restaurant and department store gift cards for those lucky door prize winners.

Although the walk is a fun way to enjoy the spring, it also serves an important purpose for the nonprofit. Funds raised by walkers and local business sponsorships help support programs and services in ways that other funding sources can’t. Every department at Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska benefits from the walk including Education, which provides information and referrals, classes and trainings, memory screenings, support groups and research; Care Coordination, which creates individualized care plans, service coordination and ongoing monitoring; and In-Home Services, which provide personal care for Alaska’s seniors and those with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia in over 100 communities statewide.

The walk may only be a couple miles long but the impact the walkers make spans the state.

If you are interested in participating in Amblin’ for Alzheimer’s or sponsoring a walker please visit http://www.AlzAlaska.org or call 907-561-3313.

Amblin’ until a cure is found!

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