Did you know that the Alaska Commission on Aging (ACoA) monitored a total of 45 bills and resolutions and actively supported 25 pieces of legislation that affected seniors during the FY2014 legislative session? We also provided committee testimony and letters of support to bill sponsors, legislative committees and Congressional members.
Senior advocacy is a “team effort.” We invite you and other Alaskans in your community to be active this legislative session by participating in the 2015 ACoA Senior Legislative Teleconferences. The purpose of these teleconferences is to foster dialogue about senior issues, seek input from seniors about legislation of most importance to them, monitor important issues affecting Alaskan communities, and to advocate for older Alaskans.
2015 Teleconference Meeting Schedule: We meet from 9:30 to 11 a.m. every other Thursday and weekly during the last month of session.
Below are the meeting dates:
January 29
February 12, 26
March 12, 26
April 9, 16, 23
Site locations
These sites have agreed to host legislative teleconferences:
Anchorage Senior Activity Center
Angoon Senior Center
Fairbanks Native Association
Forget Me Not Senior Services (Kenai)
Juneau, Alaska Office Bldg., Room 118
Haines/Klukwan Senior Center
Homer Senior Center
Hoonah Senior Center
Kenai Senior Center
Mid-Valley Seniors, Inc.
Nenana Tortella Council on Aging
North Star Council on Aging
Palmer Senior Citizens
Santa’s Senior Citizens Center
Senior Citizens of Kodiak, Inc.
Skagway Senior Services
Sterling Area Senior Citizens, Inc.
Upper Tanana Development Corporation
Valdez Senior Center
Wrangell Senior Center
Yakutat Senior Center
The commission appreciates your efforts to coordinate with other local organizations within your area to provide one call-in site per community. The host site should be a reasonably quiet location with a speaker or teleconference phone system, ADA compliant, and be able to provide copies of the meeting agenda and other materials as provided. The ACoA will post the meeting schedule and teleconference site locations in Senior Voice as well as on our website, http://www.alaskaaging.org.