Anchorage workshops focus on LGBT legal questions

Marriage, adoptions, estate planning, wills, and many other issues have been rapidly changing for the LGBT community over the last few years and bring up challenging legal issues for all ages. You are invited to attend a two part seminar sponsored by SAGE Alaska to discuss these issues and solutions.

Mike Walsh of the Law Office of Michael J. Walsh will present information regarding estate planning and probate matters, family law situations and a summary of the legal commentary regarding the future of Obergefell v. Hodges (recognizing gay marriage) in light of the recent election.

The seminar will be held at the AARP meeting room on the 14th floor of the Frontier Building located on the southwest corner of 36th and A Street in Anchorage.

Part one of the seminar will be January 25, from 7 to 9 p.m., and part two will be on February 8, 7 to 9 p.m.

Everyone is welcome, no RSVP necessary. There will be plenty of time for questions you may have. Parking is available in the parking garage.

For more information, call Julie Schmidt at Identity Inc., 929-4528, or email her at

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