'Santa Cop' volunteers deliver Christmas Day cheer

Mat-Su area’s Santa Cop and Heroes program returns this year, providing gifts and companionship to seniors who are without families nearby and/or will be alone on Christmas day. Gifts are delivered by volunteers who are members of the Palmer Police Dept., Alaska State Troopers, Emergency Medical Services, firefighters, Dept. of Corrections, commercial vehicle, Customs and members of the military. Along with their families, the volunteers take time on Christmas Day to bring some cheer by delivering a gift. The volunteers will arrive in uniform and/or marked vehicles.

Registration forms will be available beginning Nov. 1, according to organizers. They ask for gift preferences so that volunteers can provide something the senior requests. Due date for return of completed forms is Nov. 18.

Visit http://www.santacop.net for more information, or email santacopprogram@gmail.com.

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