Amblin' For Alzheimer's

“Amblin’ for Alzheimer’s,” the perennial blockbuster fundraising event for Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska, returns this year on May 2 at the Anchorage Golf Course. Sal’s New York Grill will be back to make breakfast burritos. Registration is different this year, but the fees remain the same: Adults $25, Students/Military $20, Children/Seniors $15 ($5 more on the day of the event). Here’s the registration link: On the right side of that page you’ll see a selection of different donation levels and to make a team you would click on “I Want To Fundraise For This”. Then you go to the “Fundraising Page” aka the “Team Page” and fill it out. You’ll get a link to send to people to ask them to give the amount for the registration or just donate to the cause.

For more information, call 561-3313 or toll-free 1-800-478-1080 or visit