Free training, support for family caregivers

With senior centers still closed, the Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold all October peer support meetings on Tuesdays, 1 p.m., at its office at 44539 Sterling Highway, Suite 202 in the Blazy Mall in Soldotna. Social distancing will be respected, and masks will be worn at the meetings, and virtual attendance via Zoom can be arranged for those who can’t make it in person. Different topics will be discussed at each meeting. Bring your questions and ideas.

You may also schedule one-on-one appointments and if you have questions concerning help in the home, staff can refer you to community resources.

There is no charge for these services and everyone is invited to attend.

For more information, call Rachael or Judy at 907-262-1280.

The Homer Family Caregiver meetings will meet online via Zoom, hosted by Gay Wellman and the Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska. For the schedule and other information, call 1-907-822-5620.

Other locations

For information on caregiver support group meetings around the state:

Anchorage, 561-3313

Fairbanks, 452-2277

Ketchikan, 225-8080

Kodiak, 486-6181

Nome, 443-4507

Family caregiver tip of the month

Fall has arrived with all the changes it brings and while most of us do not look forward to winter, we can still appreciate the beauty of the season.

The flower for the month for October is calendula, considered a symbol of comfort, healing, protection and grace. These are four things all caregivers need especially considering the trying times our country and nation are going through with COVID-19 and soon-to-be-held elections.

For caregivers it is important that you maintain as little disruption to your routine as possible, avoid the added stress that change brings. Eat healthy, stay active; include music, walking and deep breathing exercise. Don’t forget to ask for help when you need it. Attend a caregivers meeting if possible or catch an online meeting opportunity. Buy a calendula to remind yourself of comfort, healing, protection and grace, and enjoy the change that the season brings.

- Judy Warren, Kenai Peninsula National Family Caregiver Support Program