'If I'd known then what I know now…'

Share your insights

If I could go back in time, what advice would I offer my 21-year-old self? There are obvious things: Save more. Don’t buy that impractical convertible. Wear better shoes (your future feet will thank you). Other coulda-shoulda-wouldas: Write down the dates on the back of your photo prints as soon as you get them developed. Learn a second language. Sing more. And there are deeper lessons, learned the hard way: Don’t let friends slip out of touch. Be easier on yourself. Observe and celebrate the milestones, even when it’s a hassle. Especially when it’s a hassle.

How about you? What would you advise your 21-year-old self and why? Share your thoughts with Senior Voice readers. Send a note for publication, 250 words or less, to editor@seniorvoicealaska.com. You can also mail to Senior Voice, 3340 Arctic Blvd., #106, Anchorage AK 99503. Be sure to include your name and phone number so we can confirm permission to publish. There’s still a lot we can learn from each other!

David Washburn is the Senior Voice editor