Learn the Medicare basics at January forum in Anchorage

AARP Alaska, Older Persons Action Group and the Anchorage Senior Activity Center continues its series of “Age Smart – Let’s Talk” forums on Jan. 8, 2019, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center.

The January topic is “Medicare Basics”. Medicare is undoubtedly one of the most perplexing issues for people as they get older. What is it? What does it do and not do? Do I have to sign up, or how do I get it? What choices do I have? Will I like it? These questions and many more will be answered by Alaska’s foremost Medicare expert, Jeanné Larson from the state’s Medicare Information Office.  This session will absolutely get you started on the right Medicare track, guaranteed. Doors open and refreshments served at 6, program begins at 6:30.

The “Age Smart – Let’s Talk” series is a monthly forum that focuses on a topic of interest and importance to Alaskans who want to be thoughtful about how to make good choices as they grow older. The series is developed to provide working age adults with information necessary to plan and fulfill a secure, healthy and satisfying “life After 60” (all ages are welcome). Each month the series highlights a particular topic with a variety of formats, including issue experts, panel discussions, interactive presentations, and plenty of time for questions.

There is no charge for the monthly presentations, but as light refreshments will be provided, pre-registration is appreciated (come early for the food). Registration is at https://aarp.cvent.com/AWJAN82019