Don't put yourself down with a fall

Learn more at ‘Age Smart’ forum Jan. 14 in Anchorage

“Age Smart – Let’s Talk”, the series of forums sponsored by AARP Alaska, Older Persons Action Group and the Anchorage Senior Activity Center, returns Jan. 14, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center.

This month’s topic is “Stand Up to Falls,” presented by Margy Hughes, Injury Prevention Specialist with Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at the Alaska Div. of Public Health.

Falls are the leading cause of injury and the leading cause of death for Alaskans age 65 and older. Programs are in place to help medical providers, caregivers and elders evaluate fall risk and reduce injuries from falling.  At this session, you will learn some screening tools to help identify those with an increased risk of falling. We will also touch on different factors that increase a person’s risk of falling and will provide techniques that have proven to increase safety and reduce a person’s risk of falling. This will be an interactive program for those wishing to participate.

The “Age Smart – Let’s Talk” series is a monthly forum that focuses on a topic of interest and importance to Alaskans who want to be thoughtful about how to make good choices as they grow older. The series is developed to provide working age adults with information necessary to plan and fulfill a secure, healthy and satisfying “life After 60” (all ages are welcome). Each month the series highlights a particular topic with a variety of formats, including issue experts, panel discussions, interactive presentations, and plenty of time for questions. Food provided.

Registration is required for the free event at   or call 877-926-8300 to register by phone – ask the operator for “AARP AK Age Smart”. You can also register at the door.