AARP Alaska introductions and events

My name is Katie Dougherty, and I am excited to introduce myself as the new Associate State Director for Communications at our AARP state office. I am a lifetime Alaskan with years of experience in local and federal policy. I look forward to working with Alaskans 50 and older to improve quality of life for elders across the state.

While 2020 was a crazy ride, we at AARP are gearing up with another great year of events and resources – and we’re prepared to bring you the same great programming virtually until it’s safe to gather once more. This month, we are hosting three events that you might be interested in. Video of all three will be available following the events on our Facebook page at

Age Smart – Let’s Talk, Jan. 12, at 6 p.m. We’re teaming up with the Anchorage Senior Center to offer a presentation on fitness, health and wellness for the coming year. (See the details on page 2.) Wear comfortable clothes. Register to attend at

Vaccine Telephone Town Hall, Jan. 21, at 11 a.m. We are hosting Dr. Anne Zink and RN Tessa Walker Linderman to take your questions and hear the latest COVID-19 and vaccine information. This will be an opportunity to ask questions directly to Dr. Zink. Register at

Alaska Fraud Watchdogs, Jan. 21, at 1 p.m. Fraud expert Michelle Tabler will provide important information to help Alaskans protect themselves against Identity Theft in 2021. Register at

Check out our Facebook page and our webpage,, to keep up with us and see upcoming events. We look forward to seeing you in person once again when it’s safe.