Hospice: Navigating during COVID-19

We are all learning to navigate these challenging, unprecedented times. While our care looks different these days, Hospice of Anchorage is still able to serve patients and families in our community with compassionate hospice and palliative care.

And while that is our organization’s focus, we also know that as a community, we must take care of our children, parents, brothers and sisters. Maintaining a healthy community is everyone’s common objective as we work through the crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please be assured that we’re taking action to deal with the COVID-19 situation as we monitor the evolving guidance and recommendations coming to us from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare and the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS).

Hospice of Anchorage staff members and volunteers are in communication with our patients and their families and caregivers, extended care facilities, and other partners. We will continue to provide our high standard of quality care as we do our part in the national effort to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, we will continue to pay close attention to protocols that reduce the chance of COVID-19 exposure to all who are part of our continuum of care.

According to Hospice of Anchorage Clinical Director Bethany Burgess, LCSW, APHSW-C, staff and volunteers have been communicating daily with patients and family members over the phone, by hand-written letters and special mailings.

The COVID-19 pandemic impact goes beyond how we care for patients. Based on guidance from the CDC and Alaska DHSS regarding mass gatherings, Hospice of Anchorage canceled this year’s Heroes of Hospice Gala & Auction. “We are so grateful to our Gala sponsors who told us to put their sponsorship directly toward our mission, even with the cancellation of our event,” expressed Amy Tribbett, executive director. “It’s because of the support from our community that we’re able to continue providing compassionate care to our patients and families.”

Tribbett said a listing of supporters will be shared on the agency’s website, http://www.hospiceofanchorage.org.

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