OPAG and Senior Voice are here to serve

Older Persons Action Group (OPAG) was founded more than 50 years ago as a grassroots nonprofit with the goal to improve services and develop programs that foster self-determination of older Alaskans. OPAG provides statewide advocacy on older persons’ issues through coordination and collaboration with other like-minded organizations. Some of its activities include publishing the monthly award-winning Senior Voice newspaper and website, producing the statewide Directory for Older Alaskans, and coordinating the monthly interagency Providers Breakfast networking meeting for Anchorage and Mat-Su area businesses and agencies.

OPAG also cosponsors with AARP Alaska and the Anchorage Senior Activity Center a monthly dinner forum at the senior center, “Age Smart,” with a different speaker and discussion topic relating to aging each month.

OPAG funding comes from a variety of sources: paid subscriptions for our newspaper, advertising sales, and donations. A major source of funding is a grant administered by the Alaska State Dept. of Health and Social Services. This grant is critical in helping cover the costs of printing – we are one of the few remaining statewide publications in print – as well as the distribution. We provide free subscription delivery to low-income households statewide, as well as bundles to senior centers, health clinics and other locations around the state.

We appreciate your support and welcome donations. You may use the subscription form in each edition of Senior Voice for this – there is a line for donations.

You may also subscribe online at http://www.seniorvoicealaska.com. Click the "subscribe" button on the upper right. Under the current self-isolation measures, now is a better time than ever to get Senior Voice delivered directly to your home and also the home of a friend, family member or caretaker. We have no plans to stop publishing, coronavirus or no, and will continue providing timely news both on these pages and on our website.

Stay safe and healthy. Spring is here!

James Bailey is the OPAG executive director.