Here's to a healthy 2021, from Alaska Health Fair, Inc.

We are so happy to ring in the New Year and all that it will bring to Alaska residents. We hope that 2021 brings wonderful things for those in your world.

Our seasonal schedule is still in the development phase, with some events already posted on our website at

Please check back frequently, as we will continue to add new dates as they come available and we firm up the entire season.

To make a blood test appointment using our website, just follow these easy steps:

Pick a date you’re interested in, select the “Make Appointment” button on that line and the system will walk you through signing up for an appointment.

If you are a community or worksite that is interested in hosting a “by appointment only” venue, or you have problems getting registered,

just take a moment and give our local office a call for assistance:  Anchorage 907-278-0234, Fairbanks 907-374-6853 and Juneau 907-723-5100.

Our local offices will reopen on January 4 to meet your needs. We’re following our approved essential services plan and all COVID-19 preventative measures, and helping Alaskans to stay healthy.

We are also looking for volunteers that can provide registration, phlebotomy and supportive services, so let us know if you’re interested.

From all the Alaska Health Fair, Inc. staff: Life is too short, so take care of your health.

Sharon Phillips is the Alaska Health Fair, Inc. Tanana Valley/Northern Region Program Director.

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