A welcome break between health fair seasons

The loyalty of many long time clients and the curiosity of many new ones has helped us at Alaska Health Fair to ride the crazy, wild waves of 2020-2022 and we didn’t go under water during the process. Our staff and volunteers will now take a short summer break, and dream of or take advantage of long weeks of camping or fishing as many of you might dream of.

We use summer for personal leave, to rest and recover, write grants, do inventories, restock supplies, catch up on reports, book events and carefully prepare for the whirlwind of what we call “our fall schedule”.

Our final spring community health fair was May 21 and we’ll start office draws, community and worksite events again in mid-August. Our offices statewide are closed from July 1 through July 10.

Please give us a chance to create fall health fairs for your community or worksite by giving us a call and connecting with one of our program directors, who can help you visualize and build an event. Our plans include offering valuable health education from various agencies from within your local community or statewide entities brought in to provide resource information, as conditions and spacing permits. Traditional events offer heart and stroke health, diabetes prevention and management to include kidney health, prostate health and other educational topics from exhibitors, educators and screeners.  

We’re always looking for good blood draw professionals, plus medical and non-medical volunteers of all ages, backgrounds and experience levels to support meet and greet, registration, blood pressure, checkout and more. 

If you’re interested in volunteering or just seeing what our agency is all about, visit our website at http://www.alaskahealthfair.org and click “Sign up to AHF Newsletter.”

Or call your local office: Anchorage, 907-278-0234; Fairbanks, 907-374-6853; Juneau, 907-723-5100.

We look forward to meeting your health needs in fall, 2022.

Sharon Phillips is the Alaska Health Fair, Inc. Tanana Valley/Northern Region program director.