Health fairs will resume in January 2023. Visit our website to sign up to receive our newsletter, and we will notify you when the new schedule is published.
We thank all of you, our clients, volunteers, and partner agencies, for another successful season as we celebrate our 42nd year of service. We wouldn’t be able to deliver important health education and screenings to thousands of Alaskans statewide without the strength of our amazing volunteer force. Your support keeps our organization strong and thriving. We are always looking for new volunteers, and if you are interested, visit our website and simply complete an exhibitor or volunteer application.
If you are interested in hosting a spring 2023 event, don’t delay, call us today to learn more and to reserve your date. There are still some dates available, but our schedule is filling up quickly.
For more information about our non-profit, visit our website at You can also call Anchorage/statewide 907-278-0234; Fairbanks 907-374-6853 or Juneau 907-723-5100.
See you in 2023!
Sharon Phillips is the Alaska Health Fair, Inc. Tanana Valley/Northern Region program director.